22 Mcgrath Lane, Booval, QLD
19 Photos

19 Photos

Offers over $270,000
Offers over $270,000
Best Location, On A Hill with a View!
Property ID: 66053
The cheapest non-flooded house in Ipswich, 1 block from $500k houses. An investors dream.
This elevated block catches the easterly breeze and views. Recently restored with modern kitchen and bathroom. Currently tenanted with excellent tenants that take good care of the property, as seen in the photos. Close to everything: Train, 2 Schools, Bunnings, McDonald's, Restaurants, Booval Fair Shopping Centre all within 1km. 10min drive to Ipswich, 35min drive to Brisbane. The perfect investment for this housing boom.
Rent appraised at $235/week
Inspection by appointment.
Please talk to a Mortgage Brocker or your Bank to organise your finance prior to attending the open house. Properties are selling fast!
This elevated block catches the easterly breeze and views. Recently restored with modern kitchen and bathroom. Currently tenanted with excellent tenants that take good care of the property, as seen in the photos. Close to everything: Train, 2 Schools, Bunnings, McDonald's, Restaurants, Booval Fair Shopping Centre all within 1km. 10min drive to Ipswich, 35min drive to Brisbane. The perfect investment for this housing boom.
Rent appraised at $235/week
Inspection by appointment.
Please talk to a Mortgage Brocker or your Bank to organise your finance prior to attending the open house. Properties are selling fast!
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