Lot 10 & Lot 133 Cambalong Road, Helensburgh, NSW
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4 Photos
For Sale
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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For Sale
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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* Make an offer only available on sales listings
A Unique Opportunity : Vacant Land in Helensburgh
Property ID: 230983
A unique opportunity to own approximately
1294 square metres of bush land for future investment known as
LOT 10 Sec 2 DP 2644 & LOT 133 DP 244970
Located close to Shops, Cafes ,Schools
And driving Distance to Beautiful Beaches and approximately an hour to Sydney CBD.
Currently zoned C3 the block currently cannot be built on at this stage
Please note, this is not residential Land.
Building of any kind incuding portable homes, caravans or storage containers are not permitted under the current zoning at present ,
But changes could occur in the future.
Council Rates Approx $145 per annum
1294 square metres of bush land for future investment known as
LOT 10 Sec 2 DP 2644 & LOT 133 DP 244970
Located close to Shops, Cafes ,Schools
And driving Distance to Beautiful Beaches and approximately an hour to Sydney CBD.
Currently zoned C3 the block currently cannot be built on at this stage
Please note, this is not residential Land.
Building of any kind incuding portable homes, caravans or storage containers are not permitted under the current zoning at present ,
But changes could occur in the future.
Council Rates Approx $145 per annum
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