Lot 424 Tall Trees Road, The Ironbark Estate, Karuah, NSW
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For Sale
$395,000 - $434,500
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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For Sale
$395,000 - $434,500
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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Registered land. Iron Bark Estate, Karuah.
Property ID: 222636
Karuah has all that you would expect in a community, shops, doctors, schools but with the added benefit of tranquil bushland and river surroundings, perfect if you are looking to retire or building your first affordable home.
Karuah is a growing community, with its new, modern, Iron Bark Estate as its latest addition. It’s only 20 minutes north of Raymond Terrace.
Jetties on Karuah river offer boating enthusiasts access to Soldiers Point, Hawkes Nest, Nelson Bay and Shoal Bay. Other recreational benefits include, fishing, swimming in the tidal pool, picnic at Longworth Park.
Karuah has a school, cafes, RSL club, Golf Club, Marine Club, supermarket, pharmacy, doctors, bottle shop, service station, community hall, police station and much more.
Lot 424, 658m2 large, is a level block on Tall Trees Road, located in the new Iron Bark Estate. The road is quiet and overlooks tranquil bushland, giving it a peaceful ambience. It has a footpath and no ugly overhead electricity wires.
Buying a ready-made house means compromising on the features you want. Benefits of building your dream home means you get the design and features of your needs, and you don’t pay stamp duty on the house.
Karuah is a growing community, with its new, modern, Iron Bark Estate as its latest addition. It’s only 20 minutes north of Raymond Terrace.
Jetties on Karuah river offer boating enthusiasts access to Soldiers Point, Hawkes Nest, Nelson Bay and Shoal Bay. Other recreational benefits include, fishing, swimming in the tidal pool, picnic at Longworth Park.
Karuah has a school, cafes, RSL club, Golf Club, Marine Club, supermarket, pharmacy, doctors, bottle shop, service station, community hall, police station and much more.
Lot 424, 658m2 large, is a level block on Tall Trees Road, located in the new Iron Bark Estate. The road is quiet and overlooks tranquil bushland, giving it a peaceful ambience. It has a footpath and no ugly overhead electricity wires.
Buying a ready-made house means compromising on the features you want. Benefits of building your dream home means you get the design and features of your needs, and you don’t pay stamp duty on the house.
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