Lot 8 Bobongies Road, Habana, QLD
13 Photos

13 Photos

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For Sale
Price on Application
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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Secluded coastal living
Property ID: 75663
Located in the picturesque Habana hills this one-off quality 12.29 ha (30 acre) property is tucked away in a quiet bushland setting with views of Habana Bay and the ocean. The combination of flat to undulating lush countryside offers fertile volcanic soil, ideal potential home sites, power, a creek and two quality water bores; one with a windmill. Along with over 600 metres of road frontage this rural retreat boasts four well-maintained fenced paddocks with improved pastures that are suitable for stock or cropping as well as shaded steel cattle yards with crush, loading ramp and water trough. With pockets of coastal forest and abundant wildlife it is hard to believe that you are only an approximate 15min. uncongested drive to shops, schools and medical services at Northern Beaches and Mt. Pleasant. The mobile library and school busses also service this friendly and supportive rural community. Whether it is space, farming capabilities or you simply want to escape the busy city, this block will not have you disappointed. It is the perfect place to unwind and slow down.
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