Unit 13, 20 Mount Kulburn Drive, Jensen, QLD
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For Sale
Offers over $199,000
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For Sale
Offers over $199,000
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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Hilltop land with sweeping ocean views
Property ID: 226076
This ocean facing land is located within the 'Seaview Park' estate which is a gated group title community on Mount Kulburn Drive in Jensen. This hilltop lot is 3994sqm in area and is steep in contour with a benched area across part of the road frontage for a future residential dwelling.
The land offers stunning 180 degree ocean views of the Coral Sea and Magnetic Island which cannot be built out. The land is serviced by mains power and water. A septic tank will need to be installed for future residential use.
The land is surrounded by quality homes and located only 25 minutes (approx.) from the Townsville CBD. The rates are currently $2183 per annum and the body corporate fees currently $887 per annum. A full copy of rates and body corporate information can be provided upon request. Title details are Lot 13 GTP103740 and the land is zoned Rural Residential. Due to this being a gated community you will need to contact owner Peter Farlow to gain access to inspect (sending a text message is best).
Priced at Offers Over $199,000
The land offers stunning 180 degree ocean views of the Coral Sea and Magnetic Island which cannot be built out. The land is serviced by mains power and water. A septic tank will need to be installed for future residential use.
The land is surrounded by quality homes and located only 25 minutes (approx.) from the Townsville CBD. The rates are currently $2183 per annum and the body corporate fees currently $887 per annum. A full copy of rates and body corporate information can be provided upon request. Title details are Lot 13 GTP103740 and the land is zoned Rural Residential. Due to this being a gated community you will need to contact owner Peter Farlow to gain access to inspect (sending a text message is best).
Priced at Offers Over $199,000
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