14 Krummel Street, Tiaro, QLD
12 Photos

12 Photos

For Sale
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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For Sale
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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* Make an offer only available on sales listings
Beautiful riverfront land in the quiet country town of Tiaro
Property ID: 230846
Properties like this are hard to find.
This beautiful semi-rural vacant lot of 1513sqm is located in the quiet country town of Tiaro, approx. half way between Gympie and Maryborough.
With the newly opened Gympie bypass motorway, its an easy 1 hour 20 minute drive to Noosa or 2 hours 15 minutes to Brisbane Airport.
The block sits directly opposite the Mary River with uninterrupted river views (no houses) in front and lush bushland/rainforest and giant palm trees at the back.
It is extremely quite and peaceful, situated as the last block at the end of a no through road, so there is absolutely no traffic and only one neighbour to the right.
Due to its location near the Mary River, it is zoned in a restricted development area (due to previous flooding in the area), so you will need to submit your house plans to Fraser Council to demonstrate your living areas are above the known flood level as part of your building approval.
I have correspondence from the Fraser Council Development Team setting out what they require to approve your house plans, and its really not much more than a standard development application.
I was going to build my dream home here but my plans have changed and I'm moving interstate for work.
I have draft house plans (which can be provided to interested buyers) with a proposed double car garage to be constructed on the existing building pad, with the second level living and bedroom areas sitting partly on top of the garage and partly on stumps, well above the highest ever recorded flood level, so there will be no issue getting Council approval for your house plans if you follow a similar design.
All the hard work has been done already with extensive tree clearing and excavation work to construct the flat level house pad.
Electricity and town water are already connected and ready to use, so you could even park a caravan or tiny house out front while you build (or just
Hi permanently reside in your tiny house if you prefer).
Feel free to take a drive by the property and have a walk around and you will see what it has to offer.
This beautiful semi-rural vacant lot of 1513sqm is located in the quiet country town of Tiaro, approx. half way between Gympie and Maryborough.
With the newly opened Gympie bypass motorway, its an easy 1 hour 20 minute drive to Noosa or 2 hours 15 minutes to Brisbane Airport.
The block sits directly opposite the Mary River with uninterrupted river views (no houses) in front and lush bushland/rainforest and giant palm trees at the back.
It is extremely quite and peaceful, situated as the last block at the end of a no through road, so there is absolutely no traffic and only one neighbour to the right.
Due to its location near the Mary River, it is zoned in a restricted development area (due to previous flooding in the area), so you will need to submit your house plans to Fraser Council to demonstrate your living areas are above the known flood level as part of your building approval.
I have correspondence from the Fraser Council Development Team setting out what they require to approve your house plans, and its really not much more than a standard development application.
I was going to build my dream home here but my plans have changed and I'm moving interstate for work.
I have draft house plans (which can be provided to interested buyers) with a proposed double car garage to be constructed on the existing building pad, with the second level living and bedroom areas sitting partly on top of the garage and partly on stumps, well above the highest ever recorded flood level, so there will be no issue getting Council approval for your house plans if you follow a similar design.
All the hard work has been done already with extensive tree clearing and excavation work to construct the flat level house pad.
Electricity and town water are already connected and ready to use, so you could even park a caravan or tiny house out front while you build (or just
Hi permanently reside in your tiny house if you prefer).
Feel free to take a drive by the property and have a walk around and you will see what it has to offer.
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