13 Burton Street, Clare, SA
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For Sale
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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Rare Development Opportunity in Historic Clare
Property ID: 227714
Build your dream home on this elevated 942 square metre allotment. Enjoy the sunrise, views across the historic town ship. Walk to cafes and award-winning restaurants and wine bars. Cycle the Riesling Trail and visit historic vineyards.
With a 34-metre street frontage in a Neighbourhood Zone, capitalise on this opportunity and build a group dwelling or apartment building, or subdivide for detached, semi-detached, or row dwellings, or develop a combination of buildings in this central location (subject to planning approval).
Clare township is located about two hours north of Adelaide in the centre of the Clare Valley, a wine region in South Australia known for its Riesling and award-winning wineries. It has a rich heritage of architecture and winemaking dating back to 1840’s and is home to over 50 cellar doors and wineries.
With a 34-metre street frontage in a Neighbourhood Zone, capitalise on this opportunity and build a group dwelling or apartment building, or subdivide for detached, semi-detached, or row dwellings, or develop a combination of buildings in this central location (subject to planning approval).
Clare township is located about two hours north of Adelaide in the centre of the Clare Valley, a wine region in South Australia known for its Riesling and award-winning wineries. It has a rich heritage of architecture and winemaking dating back to 1840’s and is home to over 50 cellar doors and wineries.
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