42 Henry Street, Triabunna, TAS
5 Photos

5 Photos

For Sale
$300,000 - $320,000
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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For Sale
$300,000 - $320,000
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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* Make an offer only available on sales listings
Offers Over $320,000
Property ID: 224294
This 2000m2 block, is positioned in the center of beautiful Triabunna East coast Tasmania. This level block has power, town water, and sewerage connected.
There is a small cabin, tool shed and ablution block. Only minutes walk to shops, cafes supermarket, butchers, post office, Service Tasmania, pubs, and the marina. Build with many sites to choose from, or use as a Rustic getaway with creature comforts. Either way you will love staying here.
There is a small cabin, tool shed and ablution block. Only minutes walk to shops, cafes supermarket, butchers, post office, Service Tasmania, pubs, and the marina. Build with many sites to choose from, or use as a Rustic getaway with creature comforts. Either way you will love staying here.
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