7 Fortune Square, Shepparton, VIC
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For Sale
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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Shepparton Vacant Land near GV Health - North Quarter Estate
Property ID: 226128
North Quarter Shepparton - New Estate off Verney Rd, Shepparton.
Lot Size: 864m2
- Soil Test Report (Included in Sale)
- Boundary fence erected between 5 & 7 Fortune Sq (Included in Sale)
- 1000mbps Super Fast NBN (FTTP) Infrastructure Available for anyone who works from home.
- Underground Electrical
- Low kerb for easy access in and out of the site
A new residential estate that will forever change the way we live in the north of Shepparton.
Featuring generous lots sizes, open spaces and close proximity to the city centre, GV Health, great schools and the sporting precincts, this estate has been meticulously master planned to offer the very best in connected community living.
With an emphasis on public open space, residents will be encouraged all year round to connect and engage with the landscape through a variety of quality passive and active experiences including active walking and cycling connections, shared user paths, a local playground, generous open space offering, connection to water and opportunity to participate in pop-up events within community nodes.
Central location means you're only a walk, ride, or jog away from parks, playgrounds, schools, and the cities best sporting facilities. A short 5-minute drive will have you at the city center's cafe's, restaurants, and shopping.
Lot Size: 864m2
- Soil Test Report (Included in Sale)
- Boundary fence erected between 5 & 7 Fortune Sq (Included in Sale)
- 1000mbps Super Fast NBN (FTTP) Infrastructure Available for anyone who works from home.
- Underground Electrical
- Low kerb for easy access in and out of the site
A new residential estate that will forever change the way we live in the north of Shepparton.
Featuring generous lots sizes, open spaces and close proximity to the city centre, GV Health, great schools and the sporting precincts, this estate has been meticulously master planned to offer the very best in connected community living.
With an emphasis on public open space, residents will be encouraged all year round to connect and engage with the landscape through a variety of quality passive and active experiences including active walking and cycling connections, shared user paths, a local playground, generous open space offering, connection to water and opportunity to participate in pop-up events within community nodes.
Central location means you're only a walk, ride, or jog away from parks, playgrounds, schools, and the cities best sporting facilities. A short 5-minute drive will have you at the city center's cafe's, restaurants, and shopping.
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