1 Russ Gully Way, Tarrawingee, VIC
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For Sale
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For Sale
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
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RUSS GULLY WAY - Tarrawingee
Property ID: 229506
Ideally located in Tarrawingee at “Russ Gully Way” off River Road –
Fabulous lifestyle blocks are from 1 Hectare in size in a quiet location. On a sealed Road with all available services at each boundary. Offering magnificent views. Contact the owner for further details
Bus stop to schools nearby. Close to Wangaratta, Beechworth, Milawa in the gourmet region.
3 lots for sale- Lot 1 sold Lot 2 sold
Lot 3 1.4 hectares $580k Lot 4 1.9 hectares $620k Lot 5 1 hectare $470k
Lot 6 sold
Fabulous lifestyle blocks are from 1 Hectare in size in a quiet location. On a sealed Road with all available services at each boundary. Offering magnificent views. Contact the owner for further details
Bus stop to schools nearby. Close to Wangaratta, Beechworth, Milawa in the gourmet region.
3 lots for sale- Lot 1 sold Lot 2 sold
Lot 3 1.4 hectares $580k Lot 4 1.9 hectares $620k Lot 5 1 hectare $470k
Lot 6 sold
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