Preparing Your Property • 

7 Ways to Sell My Property Fast

Sometimes selling your home needs to be done sooner rather than later, and that’s okay.

Maybe you’re financially committed to another place, stressed about a mortgage, or relocating for work. Whatever the case may be, sometimes it’s just necessary to market your property and sell your house quickly.  

It’s times like this that call for higher attention to detail. Now more than ever, you’ll want to put your best foot forward and invest in additional tools that will engage and attract potential buyers who are ready to purchase. 

If you’re thinking, “What are the best ways to sell my house fast?”, here are our seven proven ways to help you achieve this goal. These will help you meet your tight sales deadline; while also ensuring you walk away with the price you want. 

1 – Set a realistic price 

Setting a proper sale price for your home is one of the most important details you should absolutely nail if you need to sell fast. If you are facing a highly competitive housing market, you need to make sure the price you set is fair and realistic. Otherwise, you’ll run the risk of deterring people from inspecting, and ultimately, selling your house quickly. 

How do you know if you’ve set the right price? It’s a good idea is to start by comparing your price point to that of similar properties for sale in your area. You can also have your home professionally valued, which will give you an accurate price point to start with. 

If you choose to sell your property privately, you’ll be saving significantly on agent commission. As such, you have the flexibility to reduce your price by the amount you would have paid a real estate agent. We only advise significantly dropping your sale price if you’re facing a very strict deadline. However, even if you reduce your price by a few thousand, you’ll likely be able to sell your home quickly without missing out on profit for yourself. 

2 – Consider selling by auction 

Auctions are a fantastic way of guaranteeing an outcome by a certain deadline; perfect if you are in a situation where you need to sell your house quickly 

While busy open houses can create a sense of competition among buyers, auctions are what truly create a sense of urgency. The highly competitive nature of bidding at auction tends to drive higher sale prices, so this is a great way of selling your house quickly without sacrificing the price you’re after.  

Before you fully commit, there are both pros and cons to selling by auction. Be sure to do your research to make an informed decision. 

3 – Use a creative advertising strategy 

Aside from ensuring your property is featured on all the leading property portals, consider thinking outside the box to ensure your home is being advertised at its best. 

A creative advertising strategy doesn’t have to be extravagant, it can be something as simple as using your social media network to share your online listing with friends and family. Use the power of word-of-mouth and ask your friends to share your post with their network, as this will amplify the number of people you reach. Social media platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube are perfect for social sharing. 

In addition to using social media to your advantage, the most powerful real estate tool you can use to boost your property’s exposure is Upgrade Listings. These enhanced listings are an agent’s bread and butter because they allow your listing to receive optimal exposure on Australia’s major real estate websites. and Domain have the most powerful Upgrade Listings because most buyers use those websites as their primary source for purchasing property. 

4 – Dress for success 

Our guess is that if you’re selling your home, you’re probably searching for one too. For argument’s sake, let’s say you’ve spent countless hours searching for the perfect home. To your excitement, after a lengthy search, you finally find one worth visiting. When you arrive at the Open for Inspection, you’re greeted by an agent who is wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt with a large orange stain on it. What’s your first impression of the agent? Our guess is it’s not great. 

We’re also willing to bet your excitement to view the property and engage with the agent has dropped quite a bit, right? When selling privately, you are your agent. So put yourself in your buyers’ shoes and give them the experience you would expect to receive. 

The same goes for dressing your home for sale. If your home is cluttered with outdated furniture, consider putting those items in storage and professionally staging your home. Home staging is all about creating an inviting atmosphere and allowing buyers to see your property’s potential in full swing. 

Some real estate professionals estimate you can make $5 for every dollar spent on staging your house properly. That sounds like a good return on investment.

5 – Professional photography 

When searching for properties online, we can guarantee the first thing buyers notice about a listing is the photos. In search results, where your property is listed amongst the competition, your property’s photos will single-handedly decide whether a buyer sees enough potential in your home to click through and find out more. 

Spending a little extra on professional photography is worth every single penny. Your photos are the gateway to attracting and engaging as many buyers as possible. 

6 – Target your advertising 

An exercise you might find helpful is to brainstorm who would be the ideal buyer(s) for your home. 

For example, if your home is perfect for young families, make sure your advertising reflects this. Within your listing, include details of all the family-friendly amenities your home has to offer. Prominently use photos of your spacious backyard and be sure to mention nearby schools, parks and shopping centers within your property description. The more targeted your listing becomes, the easier it will be to find the right buyers. 

7 – Fix up minor jobs 

There’s nothing worse than viewing a property and seeing all the little things that should have been fixed before the house was even listed for sale. Be proactive and solve these minor issues beforehand and you’ll save yourself from missing out on the right buyer. Aim to have your property presented in such a way that buyers feel all they need to do is pack up and move in. 

We understand no two situations are the same. If you decide to sell with us at Buymyplace, our team will be there every step of the way to guide you in selling your property your way. Ready to get started? Create your free account.