Selling Privately: Explained • 15 April 2021 • 

What Does a Buymyplace Listing Look Like?

The ins and outs of what your property listing will look like on

Selling privately doesn’t mean sacrificing the quality of your online listing, with our sellers enjoying access to the same advertising opportunities as an agent. In fact, with every Buymyplace campaign your property will be listed on the major property sites &, plus some 5 others – until successfully sold or leased.

The only thing that differentiates your listing from that of an agent’s is how you showcase your property. For instance, there may be a large quality difference between self-taken photos versus professional photography, or your own property description versus one that is written by a professional copywriter.

If you’re not an expert in these areas, we can help! Our top campaign includes professional assistance. You can also fully customise a campaign to suit your needs and include these services.


The elements of a property listing

Let’s review the key elements of a property listing and demonstrate what your property will look like online.

1 – Property photos

The first thing potential buyers will see on your listing is your property photos. When creating your property listing, you’ll want to select the best property photo as your ‘hero image’ – we suggest using the facade of your home. Not only will your hero image be the largest photo on your listing, but it will also be the main property image displayed in search results. Professional photography is key to capturing potential buyers’ attention. If you’ve ever searched for property online you’ll know that you are naturally drawn to listings with sharp, clean, stylish-looking homes. Make sure, too, the photography captures all of the key property features, and note that most buyers want to see a picture of the kitchen, the outdoor space, the main rooms and the bathrooms.

2 – Property price

The price you choose to display on your listing is your initial quote to potential buyers. Before putting your property on the market, it’s a good idea to do some research on how your local market is currently performing. This will help guide you in setting a price for your property. Insider’s tip: Australia has state-based regulations on how to display your property’s sale price online, but we’ll be sure to remind you of those before you officially put your property on the market.  

3 – Property description

Your property’s description gives potential buyers more intimate information about the property, so it’s important to ensure it is enticing while staying factually true and informative. Provide enough information to attract as many people as possible to your inspections, but leave potential buyers wanting more. Be sure to include all the perks and unique features your property has to offer, but keep the length short as most people are deterred by long paragraphs of text. You may even wish to use bullet points to break up the information when describing rooms, bathrooms, and yard details.

4 – Property features

At the end of the day, most buyers are attracted to the features of your home so it’s important to create a compelling list of attributes, which are then displayed as icons on the listing.

It’s easy to miss appealing aspects of your home that used to and no longer notice, so think long and hard about what buyers would find appealing in your home and what first attracted you to the property.

5 – Inspection times

 All your Open for Inspection dates and times will be displayed in this section. If buyers are interested, they can easily save it to their calendars or get in touch with you to arrange an alternative time. The great thing about selling your property privately is that you’re working to your schedule, not an agent’s. If someone can’t make an inspection you posted, you have more freedom to reschedule instead of hoping your agent can fit them into their busy schedule.